built, tested and proven at

Harvard University


This Does.

when you're ready for the change,
that can change everything.

In less than 4 months,
the Course promoted
0 Years
0 /5
Course Satisfaction

Recognized as one of the highest average evaluation scores at Harvard.

0 %
of Harvard Students

Rated the course as 

‘Invaluable’ or ‘Very Helpful’ 

to their lives.

number of courses

between 1960-2023 known to have promoted  this level of growth

“…you must first know who you are as an individual.
That means shaking off old belief systems...
For most people, this is a slow organic process that can take years-- if it happens at all.
But if you bring intentionality to it, individuality can be accelerated.” --David Goggins--

You Have Dreams...

actualizing them requires three capacities

Govern Your Mind

thoughts will come.
emotions can roar.
you're not embedded.

Focus Your Heart

you can become naturally afire, where
motivation, willpower and goodness are effortless

Live From Your Deeper Self

beyond others' expectations is an opportunity to live right into
your mission & values

3 Course objectives

Stop Harmful Thoughts

Change your relationship to the negative judgements' of others.

Distinguish between social influences - and your authentic guidance.

Self Awareness

Zone in on your unique contribution.

Shift to your natural identity - and unleash extraordinary natural motivation.

Go from being torn by others' demands and expectations - to a clear internal seat of judgement.

As others' voices no longer govern your behavior, relationships actually improve.


Who is authoring your life?

If you’ve tried and tried to change 

but have yet to see results -> 

consider a program  proven to support 

unprecedented transformation

We take your life(Time) seriously

At Harvard University, The Course Promoted Unpredented Psychological Growth -
Growth that Researchers Have Associated With:


Improved relationships

Cognitive Complexity

Ethical commitment

Physical Wellness


"Ask not what the world needs. Rather ask what makes you fully alive.
Because the world needs people who are fully alive."

Howard Thurman

this very moment
- the one when you're
considering this Course-



A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.

The course is given over approximately 17 weeks –  120 days to be exact.

In 2024 (and we expect, in most years), the course will be offered three times on the following dates:


January 1, 2024 – April 30, 2024

May 1, 2024 – August 30, 2024

September 2024-December 30, 2024


At this time, we are offering the course to cohorts that share a start date. Every week, the course ‘drops’ the learning modules,  – with access being provided in a way similar to a weekly television series. Some of those modules will be provided live – but all of the modules will be recorded and offered online to members.  So, for the live course events, like for instance, the webinars- you do not have to watch the event live. The events are recorded and immediately uploaded to the app, where you can watch them at your convenience. 
We do suggest that you generally try to keep to the pace of these course drops – engaging in Week 1 – with the newly dropped Week 1 modules, then in Week 2 , engaging with the newly dropped Week 2 modules. But you can choose to ‘binge’ – so for example, not engaging with the modules for the course’s initial five weeks, and then in Week 6, engaging with all of the past 6 weeks of modules. BUT – if that is your choice, you will not have the benefit of optimally engaging in the discussion forums, with many people in your cohort . Consider – they will be ready to engage with you on, say – Week 3’s exercises, during Week 3. If in Week 6, you reply to an individual’s post from Week 3 – then they might not be as inclined to return to that discussion forum , as they are already focuing on the Forum for Week 6.  


Enrolling in the course

Most Popular

Learning Events
+ Live Webinars & Weekly Online Collaboration



  • Details below.

We are with you

Understanding the '$40 or $12' pricing

Transformation happens You Engage With the Course. If you pay our organization for the course but don't engage with it or have a profound experience - then we don't consider that a success. Rather - we sincerely want to support you and your transformation – and, as a non-profit, we’re putting our money on that.

So here’s the deal: If you engage the course app on most days, for at least 12 minutes a day – we’ll refund most of your money- specifically, reducing the fee to $12/month.


Step #1

There is a $40 charge at the start of each month.

Step #2

For at least 24 days of the next 30-day period, you’d engage the course app for (at least) 12 minutes per day.


(We only ask for engagement on 24 out of 30 days so as to leave a bit of room for life’s little emergencies, technical problems and/or vacation days from your devices.)

Step #3

Then, we return $28 to you (from your $40 monthly charge).

Thus, you ultimately pay just $12/month for that month.



Step #4

The steps repeat for the next month cycle. 

Questions about the $40 or $12 Pricing

Q: What happens if an individual were to open the app, but not give it at any attention – for instance, a person presses play on a 12+ minute video but doesn’t even watch it, with the aim of just getting the $28 refund?


A: We do ask, at the end of each session, if learners affirm that they were engaged for the minimum amount of time. But, naturally, we don’t have a means of knowing if that affirmation was even made honestly. So, finding loopholes which corrupt this approach to financials – such as keeping the app open for 12 minutes a day but not actually giving it any attention – will, unfortunately, result in the learner getting an undeserved $28 refund (though, they would not get the transformation which only comes from actually engaging the course, nor the integrity that comes from honoring an agreement based on mutual trust).

And yet, overall, we’ve found that most learners who enroll in this course are committed to honesty, consideration and fairness. Thus, if the app was engaged for 12 minutes a day, and a member affirms that they were giving the course their attention during that time (by simply clicking ‘Yes, I was engaged with the course’ when so asked by the course’s in-app query)– then we will respect that learner’s claim, and honor the refund, each and every time.  

Questions about the Course:

Research Inquiries:


#1. You want to use a method that can actually transforms your life.

In 16 weeks,  learners enrollled in The Course experienced an average of 10.5 years of psychological growth. 

#3. You want transformation that you can afford.

The Core Course is 3 months long. The 1st month costs $4. The 2nd and 3rd months cost $2o. 

#1. You want a program you can trust.

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